도서명 Discover Their Hidden Meanings 판형
저자 Kun Ho Park , Kyung Yong Kong 출판사 공앤박
역자 황영엽/임제니퍼진 정가 32,000원
쪽수 530

Chinese characters are represented as pictograms which are based on the shape of objects. If you feel even slightly disheartened that you will have to memorize each one of them, then do not worry. Just as the English language learning system is based on alphabets (A, B, C, etc.) which are a set of characters that represent the phonemic structure of the language; similarly, Chinese learning has about 300 basic and radical characters. Remember that you can combine these Chinese characters or break them in order to easily read, write and understand them.


본 협회 자문위원, 現 전문번역가(영어), 서울대학교 영어교육학과졸(부전공:불어), 서울대학교 경영대학원1년 수료, 현대종합상사(미국․구라파본부장, 인도․화란․런던 지점장)